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72 Results found for bill clinton

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Slick Willie talks about illegal immigration before it was a racist term
Slick Willie talks about illegal immigration before it was a racist term
Once again Hillary Clinton has been caught having failed to turn over work-related emails, which in this case show Clinton Foundation donors directly contacting her for favors while she was Secretary of State.
Once again Hillary Clinton has been caught having failed to turn over work-related emails, which in this case show Clinton Foundation donors directly contacting her for favors while she was Secretary of State.
For years there have been well-respected members of the U.S. military, the intelligence community and law enforcement departments who said they believed Bill and Hillary Clinton are the most corrupt, dishonest and vicious Americans to ever plague our nation's capital.
For years there have been well-respected members of the U.S. military, the intelligence community and law enforcement departments who said they believed Bill and Hillary Clinton are the most corrupt, dishonest and vicious Americans to ever plague our nation's capital.
20 years ago James Comey, as an attorney on the Senate Whitewater Investigation, was looking into the conduct of President Bill Clinton and first lady Hillary Clinton.
20 years ago James Comey, as an attorney on the Senate Whitewater Investigation, was looking into the conduct of President Bill Clinton and first lady Hillary Clinton.
A former U.S. federal judge filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for information surrounding the recent private meeting between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton that occurred on June 27, 2015 at the Phoenix airport.
A former U.S. federal judge filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for information surrounding the recent private meeting between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton that occurred on June 27, 2015 at the Phoenix airport.
Presidential heir apparent Hillary Clinton was finally 'interrogated' by special agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation on Saturday about the ongoing investigation into her email server and other issues involving the so-called charity, the Clinton Foundation
Presidential heir apparent Hillary Clinton was finally 'interrogated' by special agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation on Saturday about the ongoing investigation into her email server and other issues involving the so-called charity, the Clinton Foundation
While the American news media turn all their firepower on Donald Trump, from the way he talks to his supporters to the way he verbally vanquishes his opponents, Trump's likely presidential opponent Hillary Clinton continues to play her worn-out "gender card" without much squawking from news reporter
While the American news media turn all their firepower on Donald Trump, from the way he talks to his supporters to the way he verbally vanquishes his opponents, Trump's likely presidential opponent Hillary Clinton continues to play her worn-out "gender card" without much squawking from news reporter
The Hillary B. Clinton Election may be in crisis mode, but many who know the law know that Hillary B.'s campaign is little more than the 'walking dead'.
The Hillary B. Clinton Election may be in crisis mode, but many who know the law know that Hillary B.'s campaign is little more than the 'walking dead'.
Mention the words "social justice" to a conservative, and you might see eyes roll
Mention the words "social justice" to a conservative, and you might see eyes roll
“He that will not work shall not eat (except by sickness he be disabled),” Captain John Smith told the 1609 Jamestown colonists.
“He that will not work shall not eat (except by sickness he be disabled),” Captain John Smith told the 1609 Jamestown colonists.
I received this in an email from a friend in Arkansas. He was unable to give me a source so I cannot properly credit the author. Normally I do not pass along internet blogs but this is consistent with my memory of the events of the Clintons.
I received this in an email from a friend in Arkansas. He was unable to give me a source so I cannot properly credit the author. Normally I do not pass along internet blogs but this is consistent with my memory of the events of the Clintons.
Our baby-faced House speaker appears to be caving to the drive-by hysteria on North Carolina's proposed Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Our baby-faced House speaker appears to be caving to the drive-by hysteria on North Carolina's proposed Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
So, the speaker of the NC House is concerned about how protecting people's religious freedom will affect "our brand" in North Carolina.
So, the speaker of the NC House is concerned about how protecting people's religious freedom will affect "our brand" in North Carolina.
The lefties tried to suggest that North Carolina's approval of an amendment to its state constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman was going to be an economic development nightmare.
The lefties tried to suggest that North Carolina's approval of an amendment to its state constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman was going to be an economic development nightmare.
Did you ever take out a loan to buy a house?? If not, how about a loan to buy a vehicle??
Did you ever take out a loan to buy a house?? If not, how about a loan to buy a vehicle??
Glamour can play an important role in our decision-making process. Despite that fact, few people devoted much research time to glamour's impact until author and columnist Virginia Postrel produced the book The Power of Glamour: Longing and the Art of Visual Persuasion. Postrel shared her findings...
Glamour can play an important role in our decision-making process. Despite that fact, few people devoted much research time to glamour's impact until author and columnist Virginia Postrel produced the book The Power of Glamour: Longing and the Art of Visual Persuasion. Postrel shared her findings...
I enjoyed listening to Ronald Reagan as much as I did Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama --- all excellent orators and clear points on issues.
I enjoyed listening to Ronald Reagan as much as I did Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama --- all excellent orators and clear points on issues.
It's a Snow Day throughout much of North Carolina. So, naturally, I'm thinking about surfing the waves. The political waves, that is. Historically, the first midterm election after a president is reelected is not a pleasant one for the president's party. In modern times, observes Yale University...
It's a Snow Day throughout much of North Carolina. So, naturally, I'm thinking about surfing the waves. The political waves, that is. Historically, the first midterm election after a president is reelected is not a pleasant one for the president's party. In modern times, observes Yale University...
It's interesting. It seemed as though every time an AP writer mentioned the Anointed One going to Hawaii for his Christmas vacation, they told us that Hawaii is his home state or that he was born there or both. Could that seemingly singular focus possibly be fueled by doubts??
It's interesting. It seemed as though every time an AP writer mentioned the Anointed One going to Hawaii for his Christmas vacation, they told us that Hawaii is his home state or that he was born there or both. Could that seemingly singular focus possibly be fueled by doubts??
Talk about decorum (or lack of thereof). The anointed One goes half way around the world to (presumably) represent our country in paying last respects to Nelson Mandela.


Talk about decorum (or lack of thereof). The anointed One goes half way around the world to (presumably) represent our country in paying last respects to Nelson Mandela.
As tuition costs climb, student loan debts accumulate, and recent graduates struggle to find jobs, more people are questioning whether the American system of higher education is working as well as it could. Kenneth Starr, president of Baylor University and well-known independent counsel for...
As tuition costs climb, student loan debts accumulate, and recent graduates struggle to find jobs, more people are questioning whether the American system of higher education is working as well as it could. Kenneth Starr, president of Baylor University and well-known independent counsel for...
If you have never been deceived or lied to you may want to stop reading now. The rest of this article will have no meaning to you.
If you have never been deceived or lied to you may want to stop reading now. The rest of this article will have no meaning to you.
Born on March 3, 1923, Arthel "Doc" Watson is an icon for folk, bluegrass, and country music due to his mastery of the flat-top guitar.
Born on March 3, 1923, Arthel "Doc" Watson is an icon for folk, bluegrass, and country music due to his mastery of the flat-top guitar.
I am sure that America's ongoing nightmare will continue, unabated, with the community-organizer-in-chief navigating America into the dank, dark corners of a despondent national psyche of complete, and utter helplessness.
I am sure that America's ongoing nightmare will continue, unabated, with the community-organizer-in-chief navigating America into the dank, dark corners of a despondent national psyche of complete, and utter helplessness.
The General Assembly should adopt the REINS principles for North Carolina, thereby properly returning major legislative authority to elected, accountable representatives of the people.
The General Assembly should adopt the REINS principles for North Carolina, thereby properly returning major legislative authority to elected, accountable representatives of the people.
The establishment and the MSM have worked hard to slander and defame Tea Partiers in the eyes of their low-information audiences. The Washington Post -- yep, THEM -- suggests that the GOP needs to treat The Tea Party like Slick Willie Clinton treated that skank Sista Souljah back in 1992.
The establishment and the MSM have worked hard to slander and defame Tea Partiers in the eyes of their low-information audiences. The Washington Post -- yep, THEM -- suggests that the GOP needs to treat The Tea Party like Slick Willie Clinton treated that skank Sista Souljah back in 1992.
Like the throngs looking for smoke at The Vatican, the Carolinas media waited breathlessly for North Carolina governor-elect Pat McCrory's address to The North Carolina Bankers' Association.
Like the throngs looking for smoke at The Vatican, the Carolinas media waited breathlessly for North Carolina governor-elect Pat McCrory's address to The North Carolina Bankers' Association.
SNL mocked her accent. She talks “funny”, so she must be an idiot — Just like George W. Bush. You know, THAT guy from Texas with the degrees from Harvard and Yale. Bill Clinton talks “funny” too, but he’s OK because (1) he agrees with us and (2) he’s married to our hero Butch Rodham.
SNL mocked her accent. She talks “funny”, so she must be an idiot — Just like George W. Bush. You know, THAT guy from Texas with the degrees from Harvard and Yale. Bill Clinton talks “funny” too, but he’s OK because (1) he agrees with us and (2) he’s married to our hero Butch Rodham.
I believe I have figured out why the Anointed One is spending so much time trying to get reelected. He has realized that he will be put out of government housing if he doesn't win the election.
I believe I have figured out why the Anointed One is spending so much time trying to get reelected. He has realized that he will be put out of government housing if he doesn't win the election.
South Carolina, what are we going to do about the little guy? Y'all have done so well with your House delegation (Clyburn notwithstanding) and with Senator DeMint.
South Carolina, what are we going to do about the little guy? Y'all have done so well with your House delegation (Clyburn notwithstanding) and with Senator DeMint.
A former chief of staff in the U.S. Labor Department takes issue with former President Bill Clinton's assertion that Americans are better off now than they were four years ago, especially when it comes to younger adults.
A former chief of staff in the U.S. Labor Department takes issue with former President Bill Clinton's assertion that Americans are better off now than they were four years ago, especially when it comes to younger adults.
A rocky second day of the Democratic National Convention almost ended with a flourish, as former President Bill Clinton formally nominated President Obama for a second term of office.
A rocky second day of the Democratic National Convention almost ended with a flourish, as former President Bill Clinton formally nominated President Obama for a second term of office.
Remarkably, Sandra Fluke (pronounced Sandra Fluck), who is best known as the Georgetown law student who publicly fretted that Republicans, if elected en masse, would deny her current 3,000.00 stipend of annual contraception, spoke in prime time at the Democrat National Convention.
Remarkably, Sandra Fluke (pronounced Sandra Fluck), who is best known as the Georgetown law student who publicly fretted that Republicans, if elected en masse, would deny her current 3,000.00 stipend of annual contraception, spoke in prime time at the Democrat National Convention.
The headline at ABC reads "President Obama, Bill Clinton Stump on Growth vs. Austerity Agenda." While referring to the economic debate going on in Europe, Britain's New Statesman displays the headline "The Austerity vs. Growth Argument is Hotting [sic] Up."
The headline at ABC reads "President Obama, Bill Clinton Stump on Growth vs. Austerity Agenda." While referring to the economic debate going on in Europe, Britain's New Statesman displays the headline "The Austerity vs. Growth Argument is Hotting [sic] Up."
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